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Boy’s Bathroom Mood Board
Bathroom renovations come with so many options and price ranges it can be hard to narrow down the choices! Mood Boards are a great way to try out different options without spending any money and you can easily narrow down colors and patterns that work well together, or do not! This bathroom mood board is…
DIY Chinese Checkers Board
This Chinese Checkers board is the perfect gift idea for anyone who loves to play the game! Chinese Checkers is such a fun game for the whole family and this DIY board is pretty enough to hang on the wall or use as tabletop decor when it is not being played which is such an…
DIY Velvet Ornaments
Velvet is classy, elegant, and when paired with gold it takes everything up a notch! This is exactly why these DIY velvet ornaments are just what you need to make your Christmas tree absolutely perfect this year without breaking the bank! You can make yourself a tree full and send some to family and friends…
DIY Christmas Light Box
Christmas lights are a fundamental part of Christmas, and if it doesn’t light up, is it even Christmas decor?! This DIY Christmas light box is the simplest DIY way to light up an area that you may not be able to put string lights but you can still make it festive! Or and it to…
DIY Block Print Shirts
Have you ever heard of block print shirts? Imagine an oversized stamp to quickly and easily apply the same designs to multiple shirts! You can simply change out the shirt color or ink color and create unique customized shirts without ever having to go back to the computer to cut vinyl or stencils! Welcome to…