Bathroom Renovation – Fall One Room Challenge
Hey, hey, hey!!! Okay, don’t you even laugh at this title!! Lol! No, I haven’t lost my mind…I am going to attempt the One Room Challenge…AGAIN!! I am going to be doing a bathroom renovation on a budget and with limited time since I will be following the challenge schedule! I know, I know, if you have been around here any length of time, I have already attempted TWO One Room Challenges that I FAILED! But not this time…I will finish…I hope anyway!! Lol!

Week one has already started with a bang, my hubby has demoed the old shower…he was a little too excited to get started, and well, I didn’t even get full before photos! I had to run in there when I heard some crazy loud noises, and he had already taken out the old shower pan and was attempting to take out the wall of the shower when he hit a water line! OY!! Please, pray for me!!! 😂
Here’s the mood board for the bathroom renovation and what I hope to have done within the eight-week time frame!
The whole bathroom will be renovated, the only piece that is staying is the toilet because it was only purchased a year ago! Everything else will be made new! Yay!💃
Funny thing is, I didn’t want to start this bathroom renovation yet, but really needed the push since it hasn’t had a working shower since we moved in…it was never finished by the previous owner! When I saw Sherwin Williams color of the year 2022 – Evergreen Fog…immediately the plan came together and I knew I wanted to go ahead and tackle this bathroom reno!
When my hubby was on board and told me that was his favorite color I had ever bought, I knew it was meant to be…since we NEVER agree on colors or design ideas, and so I just go with what I want, and he loves it in the end! Lol!
So here’s a little peek at the somewhat before! I mean you really have no idea what it was before! Lol! But this is where it is at today…Sunday, even though this was supposed to be posted Thursday! I know, starting STRONG! Bahaha!
These before photos are NOT the best and I apologize, I hope to have better ones throughout the renovation! 😅
Can you believe that is the vanity I built forever ago was in this bathroom where the pipe is sticking up out of the ground! Lol! The laundry hamper bench to the left was built 4 years ago and ever since I built those two projects I haven’t even come back in here, even though I planned on renovating it then! 😆The whole concrete area was the shower, which had a full wall and it made the bathroom feel tiny, it was never finished and was full of my aunt’s stuff from when she lived here (it was a closet in essence). For some strange reason I hate this bathroom and so I legit, never go in there! Now I realize that was a big mistake because my hubby would use it, and so it’s gross… a good thing we are taking it all out to start fresh and clean! Hallelujah!!
Goals for Week 1 of the Bathroom Renovation!
So the goal this week is to get the wall completely out…(update..he already did that as you can see in the pics above) that’s the hub’s job, remove the old vanity (done), move the drain lines in the foundation, move the water lines and electrical in the wall! I will start the building of the new vanity as well! I mean this is what I HOPE to have accomplished by the next time I check in on Thursday!
I am super excited to try something for the vanity top…I want to mix white thin-set in with my gray concrete as I pour it to create a marble look! I also want to use a dry erase board at the bottom of my concrete form and using the additive that I have from concrete countertop solutions…and I am hoping to get an awesome finish! I have no idea if this will even remotely work, but I sure can’t help but want to test it out and see! Make sure to follow along on Instagram if you want to see the progress as it happens!
Do you have any plans to renovate a bathroom sometime soon? Let me know all about it in the comments below! I better get to work! Have a great week, I’ll see you next Thursday!