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Wall Planter for Herbs

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Fresh herbs can elevate a culinary dish from ordinary to extraordinary! Having fresh herbs available in the kitchen at the snip of the scissors is just what this wall planter for herbs allows you to do. This simple build is the perfect way to make sure you will utilize them in all your favorite recipes!

Wall planter for herbs up close with herbs in the planters

I don’t have a window in my kitchen so I designed this little planter for herbs with removable herb boxes to take them and set them in the windowsill or outside every couple of days! It also has not been hung on the wall just yet as I am going to let my hubby drill into the tile…it’s like nails on a chalkboard to me, I cannot take it!🥴

herb garden with removeable plnater boxes that is wall mounted

Isn’t it so cute with its little ledge to hold the water spritzer! I sure do think so!

Up close view of the water spritzer for the herb garden

I now plan to build so many sizes of this for my porch and maybe even one to put on the fence of my garden! So if you want a larger version, check back shortly for the other plan sizes!

slight side angle view of the wall planter for herbs

Gathering Supplies to Build a Wall Planter for Herbs

Luckily you don’t need too many boards to make this wall planter and that keeps the cost completely affordable! You will spend roughly 35 dollars to build yourself one of these herb planters! That is really not bad considering how great it looks!

Want to take the plans with you out to the garage, download the plans for the wall planter for herbs below!

Materials for a planter for herbs:

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Cut List for Herb Planter:

  • 2 – 1×6 @ 30″ – ripped down to 4 1/4″ – sides
  • 1 – 1×6 @ 25″ – bottom
  • 1 – 1×6 @ 22″ – top
  • 2 – 1×3 @ 17″ – one of them will be ripped in half at a 45 degree angle to create a french cleat for hanging the planter for herbs
  • 2 – 1×6 @ 6 1/4″ – ripped down to 4 1/2″ – sits at the bottom of the inside of the sides
  • 24 – 1×1 @ 4 1/2″ – 1×2 ripped down to 3/4″ – inside slats of the sides
  • 1 – 1×1 @ 25″ and 2 – 1x1s @ 4 3/4″ – Keep the piece you rip off of the side boards and use it as the front and side rails of the bottom.
  • Planter Boxes
  • 4 – 1×6 fence pickets @ 15 7/8″
  • 4 – 1×6 fence pickets @ 4 1/2″
  • 2 – 1×6 fence pickets ripped down to 4 1/2″ wide and cut @ 14 5/8″ (make sure and measure on this one, some fence pickets are slightly smaller or larger than the 5/8″ they should be, mine obviously were)
  • 2 – fence pickets ripped down to 1 1/8″ wide cut @ 16 7/8″, and mitered on both ends at 45 degrees off square, ends parallel, measurement of the longest end
  • 4 – fence pickets ripped down to 1 1/8″ wide cut @ 6 1/8″, and mitered on one end at 45 degrees off square, measurement of the longest end
  • 2 – fence pickets ripped down to 1 1/8″ wide @ 14 5/8″

Building the Wall Planter for Herbs

You will want to start by cutting the boards for your sides which are the 1×6 @ 30″, then rip them slightly smaller on the table saw to 4 1/2″ wide!

ripping down a board for the wall planter for herbs

Once you have your side boards cut down to size, cut your top and bottom boards.

planter for herbs building the frame

Before attaching the boards together that will form the frame of the herb garden, we will need to brad nail all the small slats to the inside of the sides.

Starting at the bottom, attach the 1×6 @ 6 1/4″ (also ripped down to 4 1/2″) with wood glue and 1 1/4″ brad nails.

brad nailing a board to another board to build the wall planter for herbs
building the herb garden wall planter

When you have brad nailed this board onto both side boards, make sure they are perfectly even before you start adding the rest of the pieces.

checking to make sure the boards are even on the wall planter for herbs

Sorry, the pictures are so bright, it was sunny and I was loving it! Lol!

Using one of the 1x1s @ 4 1/2″ as a spacer, use wood glue and brad nails to attach each one of the 1x1s all the way up!

adding the small boards to the wall planter
adding the spaced small boards to the wall herb garden to hold the planters
adding rungs to the wall planter to hold the planter boxes

Continue all the way up until you have used 12 on each side. I used 13 on each side but the top rung can’t be used and it causes you to need another 1x2x8, so skip the last two!

Once you have all of the 1x1s attached, you can then assemble the frame. Use wood glue on all joints and just brad nail them into place. If you would feel more comfortable, you can use 1 1/4″ screws instead, but it doesn’t weigh much and the wood glue will make for joints that are plenty strong!

The top board has an overhang of 1 1/2″ on each side. The bottom board has a 1 1/2″ overhang on the left side but a 4 1/2″ overhang on the right side of the planter for herbs to hold your water spritzer!

building the frame of the planter box for herbs

Once you have the frame assembled, you can add the 1×3 boards at the top. The front 1×3 @ 17″ is pocket holed into place, you can brad nail this into place if you would rather! If you use pocket holes as I did, drill your pocket holes at a depth of 3/4″ and use 1 1/4″ screws to attach…make sure and use wood glue as well!

wall planter getting stained

Picture above shows the front board while I was staining the wall planter but it was the best one I had to show it!

The back 1×3 @ 17″ will be ripped into 2 pieces at a 45 degree angle to create a french cleat to hang the wall planter for herbs. Set your table saw to 45 degrees and run the board through creating two small boards each with an angled edge.

making a french cleat to hang the wall planter for herbs - diy herb garden

Add the top board to the back of the herb planter, you can brad nail it, or I used pocket holes, same as in the step above! Make sure and use glue either way!

showing pocket holes on the wall planter

Once you have that part completed, add the small decorative rail around the bottom to keep your water spritzer from falling off! Lol!

I didn’t take pics of the rail before staining the herb garden planter! But you can see it in the finished photos! It is just the piece you ripped off of your 1×6 (1×1 @ 25″, and 2 – 1x1s @ 4 3/4″) to make the sides, glue and brad nail it in place.

Up close view of the water spritzer for the herb garden

Building the Herb Planter Boxes for the Wall Planter

Last but not least build the small planter boxes to house the herbs! Incredibly easy to build, just brad nailing a small box of a front, back, and two sides with a bottom.

pieces to make the planter boxes for the wall planter for herbs

Clamps help hold everything together when you are brad nailing it. Make sure and use glue before clamping on all joints!

clamping the box for the herb garden

Once the herb planters are built, but before the top frame is added, I lined the boxes with plastic to keep the wood from rotting and absorbing the water! I just used a staple gun to staple the liner in place! I always use this method when I build planters, such as the DIY planters boxes, the DIY large planter box as well as the scrap wood planter!

stapled plastic liner inside the herb planters

The hardest part of the herb garden boxes is the top frame, I mitered it, you don’t have to but the cut list lengths are for mitered corners! Nothing too hard at all, align the front piece first, then the sides, then the back! Brad nail into place with wood glue!

The shortest ends of the miter should line up with the inside edge of the sides, it doesn’t look like it in the pic below but that is just the angle they are taken from! Hope that makes sense!

mitering the top of the planter boxes

Add the mitered sides, but only the front end it mitered, there is no overhang of the frame in the back, so the back doesn’t get mitered!

mitered sides of the top frame of the planter boxes for herbs

Add the last board to the back, it has no miters!

planter box completed before paint

Finish them however you would like, I painted them flat black!

painting the herb planters black

Now add those beautiful herbs!

I always throw a little gravel in the bottom of the planters to make sure the soil has a little drainage without leaking water everywhere!

gravel inside the bottom of the herb planter

Add soil and herbs! Viola!

The more I learn, the more I want to grow EVERYTHING we consume and this is a small step in the right direction, no it’s not going to feed the planet…lol…but it is helpful to get started and learn more about cultivating an herb garden on a small scale so I can then utilize what I learn to grow a large one soon!

Hang this beauty on the wall and enjoy fresh herbs from your herb garden whenever you need them!

Hanging the Wall Planter for Herbs

Using the 1×3@17″ that you ripped at a 45-degree angle earlier in the post, you will take the bottom half that you didn’t attach to the wall planter, and attach it to the wall. Use screws straight through the board and into the wall, preferably into studs otherwise, you will need to use wall anchors in addition to the screws!

Once you have the bottom half attached to the wall, you can slide the wall planter for herbs down onto this board! BOOM! Beautiful, indoor herb garden hanging on your wall!

herb garden with removeable plnater boxes that is wall mounted

Now to make some cute plant tags, labels, markers, or something other than the sticks that came with the plants! 🤭

Are you looking to grow anything on your own this year? A garden full or a small herb garden to hang on the wall? I’d love to hear what you are growing in the comments down below! Thanks for stopping by! Have a good one!

Happy Planting!

Cara - The Inspired Workshop signature says XOXO, Cara

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Planter for Herbs collage of different angles of the herb garden with planter boxes moved around
Wall mount herb garden - indoor herb garden - wall planter for herbs
Cute little wall-mounted herb garden - indoor herb garden - herb planter - wall planter
Wall planter for herbs - Indoor herb garden - Herb Planter

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