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One Room Challenge – Week 2 – Stripping the Cabinets

So last week I entered the #oneroomchallenge and decided to makeover my kitchen! If you missed last week’s post go see the BEFORE of my kitchen HERE!! Up on the agenda this week was stripping the cabinets and a couple other things! Well, let me tell you, I thought I would surely get more than just stripping the cabinets done…but apparently not! The time flew by!! LOL!! Now I am rethinking this whole idea!! ???? So the kitchen is an absolute mess and I have no great pics to show, but I am going to walk you through the stripping of the cabinets!

One Room Challenge - Week 2 - Stripping the Cabinets

Make sure and check out all of the talented participants HERE!! See all the amazing guest participants HERE!!

So, not much excitement happening here yet! Lol!! But I guess that is to be expected at this point in the journey! Anyone here participated before? Someone tell me this is to be expected? ???? Anyway I will let you know how I stripped my cabinets and how easy it really was…just slightly mundane!!

Stripping the Cabinets

Materials used:

  • 2 bottles of Citrastrip stripper (???? affiliate link but best price I found it at…even better than my Walmart! It’s a Prime item too baby! Don’t even have to leave the house to get your kitchen makeover started! ????)
  • cheap paint brush to paint it on with
  • glass jar to pour it into
  • mineral spirits (Walmart seems to have the best price on this, link just shows you what to look for, I would purchase local for better price)
  • metal or plastic scraper/ putty knife
  • chemical resistant gloves

So I started by taking down the cabinet doors and pulling out all the drawers. I then took all the existing hardware off the doors and drawers. The hinges need to come off too! I have a ton of drawers in my kitchen vs cabinet doors… so this was pretty quick for me!

One Room Challenge - Week 2 - Stripping the Cabinets


One Room Challenge - Week 2 - Stripping the Cabinets




Set up an area to strip them, or be lazy like me and have them all over the place and don’t even bother to empty the drawers out!! ???? If you saw my stories on Instagram the other day then you know how awful it is in here right now!! If you don’t already follow me, what are you waiting for?!????

Pour some stripper in a glass or heavy plastic container and brush liberally onto your surface to be stripped!!

One Room Challenge - Week 2 - Stripping the Cabinets

One Room Challenge - Week 2 - Stripping the Cabinets

You don’t want to drink this slushy!????

One Room Challenge - Week 2 - Stripping the Cabinets

Let sit for 30 minutes to 24 hours and scrape off! It is really easy, just a little time consuming but nothing you can’t do!! This picture was taken about an hour after I put the stripper on.

One Room Challenge - Week 2 - Stripping the Cabinets

The old stain and stripper literally GLIDE right off the wood!!

One Room Challenge - Week 2 - Stripping the Cabinets

One Room Challenge - Week 2 - Stripping the Cabinets

Clean all that you can off with the scrapper making sure to get in the nooks and crannies!

Wipe them down with mineral spirits and a clean rag to get any lasting residue off of the wood and that is it!! You now have cabinets ready to prime!! I hope to prime my cabinets tomorrow! Wish me luck!!

Thanks for stopping by to see the progress! Hopefully next week will be a little more exciting but I really can’t make any promises!! ???????? Hope you all are having an amazing week and are being much more productive at your projects than I am!!

Happy renovating,


One Comment

  1. Can’t wait to see how this turns out – I’m following your progress to see how easy (or difficult) it is before I take on my own cabinetry. GOOOOO CARA!!

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